Wednesday, April 11, 2012

4/11 Holy Crap! We're out of Coffee!

I kinda figured it would be a rough day when I arrived at work and there was only one pot of decaf coffee and no regular coffee.  To make matters worse, the decaf ran out after I had only had one cup. I handled it with amazing calmness...until 6th period.  That is the class of athletes.  The one class where the kids are hard to get on task and who a few of you have already been introduced to (Freds 1,2,3).  Needless to say, they came in like Banshees.  One student, who broke his leg and is in a wheelchair, came hopping in while someone else came flying in behind him in his wheelchair, crashing into the desks and making all kinds of racket.  Then, the students started moving desks around, loudly.  I told them to keep the desks in a straight line.  After a couple more loud bangs of desks into each other, I yelled for everyone to get seated and quiet.  My broken leg kid, Fred7, picked up a desk and tossed it out of his way.  When it crashed onto the concrete floor, I had had enough.  I sent him to the office and wrote him up for throwing the desk across the room.  I wanted to write up a few more, but I had to actually start teaching at some point.  Hopefully tomorrow, the coffee pot will be full.  If  not, I may go home sick.

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