Monday, May 7, 2012

Told you Fred4 would try!

I was waiting for it and it happened, just as I predicted.  Fred 4, who I wrote up last week, showed up during my planning period with my write-up in her hand.  She claimed the principal wanted to know if I would dismiss the write-up.  I told her to inform the principal that I would not.  Then she asked why not.  I informed her that I dismissed the last write-up I did on her and when I did that she had promised to behave.  Since that day she has done nothing but tell the entire class how much she hates me and how much she hates the class.  She has come into my room everyday determined to hurt my feelings and belittle me.  So, I told her I would not let this slide.  Then, she puts her hand on her hip and says "What do I have to do?"  I told her she had to take the write-up back to the principal. Then the waterworks started. However, she did that last time too.  I told her nothing will get the write-up dismissed.  She has three days of after-school detention.  So, boohooing all the way out of my room, she returned to the office.  I know, you feel sorry for her.  But, if you had been dealing with her all year in my class, you would only feel bad that she got after school detention instead of in school suspension.  At least then I would have gotten a few days without the "I HATE YOU" glare.  Oh well, eight days to go.

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