Thursday, June 20, 2013

I love spending my summer attending conferences!

And I'm not being smart.  I really enjoy them.  Especially when I get to learn new experiments to do with my kiddies.  This week I am attending a genetics conference in Huntsville, Alabama.  The first day we extracted DNA from strawberries!  My students are going to love doing that next year!  This is the third conference I've attended this summer, but it is by far the most exciting.  Yesterday we toured a cancer research laboratory and learned all the new treatments for assorted cancers.  Today we will be studying transcription and translation of RNA.  This is a very intensive, two week long conference, but I will receive thousands of dollars worth of experiments and supplies for my students next year, so I'm all for that!  Lord knows how bad I need supplies in my lab!  I'll post some pictures of the strawberry extraction soon!