Thursday, October 4, 2012

At least I'm not the worst teacher there.

I admit that I have my issues as a teacher.  Students complain that my tests are too hard, I go to fast for them and my handwriting is atrocious.  However, today gave me a fresh perspective that made me feel as if I'm doing just fine as a teacher.  During my planning, another teacher used my room to teach a dual-enrollment biology class.  Apparently, her students had done poorly on a diffusion test.  What made me feel so good about that, aside from the fact that her students complained her test was too hard, was the fact that my kids studied diffusion two weeks ago, so my average kids are further along than her college kids.  Another moment happened when another science teacher (the favorite of the administration who will be teaching all the biology next year because he coaches) took his kids to the laboratory today (for the very first time this year) and he was teaching them about the microscope, which puts his kids about 5 weeks behind mine and about 11 labs behind.  Then, I went to the history teacher's room since my room was occupied during planning and laughed until tears flowed as another teacher was telling the history teacher that almost every word she says get tweeted by her students.  She also had a student yesterday tell another student to "shut the F**k up", then had them repeat it today to the same student.  She had two girls start fighting in class and I heard them in the hallway as she was trying to get them to the office.  Then, as a final feather in my cap, as I was going to the bathroom later in the afternoon, I saw a bunch of students outside a room yelling and cutting up. I went into the room to see who was letting students out in the hallway during class and there was no teacher in the room.  I got them seated and quiet, then found out it was microscope guy's class.  Of course, there is bad with every good.  I got so caught up in making out tests for tomorrow that I completely forgot to go to car duty today.  And then, as I was leaving, the administration was looking for a student who didn't get on her bus and had not made it home.  So, I'm feeling guilty about leaving the other teacher to handle all the car riders without me and worried about the 9th grader who didn't get home.  Hopefully, that will have a happy ending.


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