Monday, April 2, 2012

4/2 Fred4 Doesn't Like Me.

Have you ever had to be around someone who just absolutely hates you?  And they go out of their way to let you know it?  I have a student like that.  Last semester, I almost wrote her up for some drama she tried to pull when I wouldn't let her go to another teacher's room for a novel she had left.  I got her out into the hallway and she burst into tears.  I talked to her a moment and gave her another chance.  However, ever since that incident, she has taken every opportunity available to make little digs and comments to try to hurt my feelings or make me feel bad.  I assume that she was so humiliated when I called her to the hallway that she hasn't gotten over it.  The fact that she did it to herself, doesn't seem to register.  Anyway, I usually ignore it and move on.  Which is what I did today.

  Our word of the week is compassion.  Each teacher is supposed to have a mini-lesson on it.  I put up quotes from famous people and discuss them.  Today's quote went something like "People who don't feel compassion do so because they don't like themselves.  If they make friends with themselves, then compassion would flow out of their heart and mind."  Something like that.  I asked the class if they agreed with the saying.  Fred4 chimed in that she did not agree with the quote because if she didn't like, oh for example, me (snickers can be heard around the room), she would still like herself just fine.  I started to corner her as to why she wouldn't like me (hypothetically, of course), but didn't want to put her on the spot, so I replied something about how people who like themselves would typically feel bad when they hurt others and how usually when people are mean to others, they are simply reflecting what they are feeling inside.  Then, because I didn't want her to think I was speaking to her personally, I continued on with our lesson.

Every year, you get at least one student who thinks she is allowed to do whatever she wants, and when she is told no, she becomes impossible to be around.  Fred4 is mine.  Luckily, she learned what I will do when pushed and hasn't crossed that line again, but it still makes me feel sad that she is only nice when it suits her.  I feel very sorry for her when she gets out in the real world and realizes that she is not queen there either.

On a happier note, only two weeks and three days until spring break!

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